Tuesday, November 22, 2011

retiring with purpose... new season

I am out of the office starting 11/23/2011 using the balance of my PTO until I officially retire from the Saint Francis Health System, effective 12/03/2011, and I want to thank everyone for their kindness over the years.

With my retirement, my wife and I plan to volunteer, travel and spend time with family and friends. 

My main take-way from my 14.5 years at SFH is a deep sense of personal spiritual growth.  For me, everything in life is spiritual.  I believe God facilitates our life experiences to mature us into the spiritual adults He wants us to become. My persistent prayer here at work has been “What am I suppose to be learning from these days and how do I apply that particular insight in my life?”  In response, God has been gracious with me and helped me gain understanding, perspective and peace as time has passed.

Of special interest to me in my next season is a program known as ‘Celebrate Recovery’.  It is a Christ-centered 12 step program, in which I serve as a facilitator working with men who seek help to overcome and be free of their addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors.  It is an effective program available nationwide through many churches and one I would recommend you consider. 

As a shameless plug, should you be interested in supporting the ministry, please consider donating.  Funds contributed go toward program costs, e.g. Bibles, workbooks and meals hosted prior to the weekly teaching and testimony assemblies.  Since no one is turned away who wants to work on their personal issues, participants costs are often reduced or waived.

The Celebrate Recovery ministry at Believer’s Church, which is one among many here in the Tulsa area, is a 501(3) c tax deductible organization recognized by the IRS, http://www.bctulsa.com/.  Your contribution can be mailed to “Believers Church's Celebrate Recovery", 4705 South Memorial Drive, Tulsa, OK 74119.

Here are my parting 3 pieces of advice to you:

  • Always stay in community.  It’s the lone gazelle that gets eaten by the lion every time.  Family was God’s idea and there is a reason we need one another.
  • Honestly deal with your own hurts hang-ups and problems.  Denial and rationalizations do not make for a healthy person – never has.  Most other folks are aware you have issues, so take personal responsibility, own them, and pursue getting help.
  • Engage with God by accepting His gift of Jesus as your Redeemer.  We each need to have our connection with God, the Father, restored by resolving our ‘sin’ debt.  Jesus paid that debt, allowing us an unmerited 2nd chance for life, forgiveness and relationship with God.  So choose wisely and choose life.

See you down the way…..   Rob